Refinement: Removing the old that clung, revealing beauty.
The year 2010 has been, without a doubt, the most disappointing and difficult year of my twenty-two. And yet, through the massive disappointments, my Savior showed me that He and He alone is to be my hope. I must only ever run for Him.
I have idolized ideas of my future, and found that nothing compares to the greatest of knowing Jesus Christ.
It's all empty.
One of my favorite pastimes is antique store shopping. I love to browse at everything, especially the dishes. So many times I find these lovely silver pieces that are utterly tarnished and smudged.
I am like that. My refinement takes rubbing. My Savior gently, yet firmly, removes the dross. He does it for His glory and my betterment. But man, it crazy. It's a sharp, acute pain.
But He is beautiful, and I want to be a shiny piece of silver, one so pretty and clear that when He looks at me, He sees Himself.
May it be so.