Friday, March 25, 2011

Embrace the joy (and craziness) of life



                                                                  Team-building games

Micronesia Mall

                                       Lovely "weeds" that grow (on a vine) behind the school

                                                    There are lots of large bugs here...

                           The offices fell down, but look at our men go! ;)

                                          Miss Judy--this woman works so hard for the school!

                                           The incentive to get all their work done,
                                                           and oh man, do they love it.


                                                    I work 'em hard at practice. Haha!

                      Garage sale day: when we said goodbye to the couches, and the students mourned.

                                              It is so much work to run a school.
                                                                      A training day

                                                                         oh yum.
                                                               half marathon with Kelli

                                                                       simply hilarious.
Regional Student Convention: Micronesia

                                                                 This guy is too cute.
                                                         Torian and Eddison playing chess

                                                Temple Christian School Junior Ensemble

                                                        and their highschool ensemble

                                                                    Track and Field...

                                                                       Go Sarah!

                                                                      I love this girl...

                                                                   ...and these girls

 Great job, Nathan!

                                           Sarah and me during a tire-flipping race! So fun!

                                                         The guys were quite a bit faster.

Let us run and not grow weary, 
when we are doing what the Lord called us to do.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Earthquakes &Tsunamis of the Pacific

Today I was interviewed by a stateside newspaper about the earthquake in Japan and how it has touched Guam. Here was my response:

As far as the tsunami, Guam was barely touched physically. However it did create an emotional stir amongst the people. Many islanders are well acquainted with the devastation of tsunamis and earthquakes. There are many on the island who are either natives of Japan, or have family and friends there.  One way the earthquake in Japan may influence Guam is the economy. Japanese tourism is a major source of income on the island, so anything that strains Japan is likely to strain Guam.

The father of the family I live with performs weddings for the japanese tourists. They come to Guam to get an "American" wedding and honeymoon. With the upheaval right now, there is a big chance that tourism with slow down, and it could tamper with our financial stability, but of course we trust in the Lord.

Today at school I was helping a darling little Philippino boy memorize scripture verses. I was explaining to him how Jesus is the Light of the world, and he looked up, met my eyes with an intensity beyond what is commonly seen in one so small and said, "Are tsunamis bad, Ms. Audrey Ann? Should we be afraid of tsunamis? Are they really bad?" I went on to try and comfort him while being honest as well, sharing with him the hope of Jesus, no matter the circumstance.

As with all catastrophes and disasters, we are once again reminded that we have no control over the earth, but because of Jesus, we don't have to be afraid. Rather, we just need to be ready to trust Him and love others. The children I work with are afraid and bothered, but I pray that this will draw them and thousands of others closer to the precious Savior whose voice can calm the sea. Hallelujah.

Friday, March 11, 2011


P.I.C.A. volleyball team--I love these girls!
  • Have I told you that I love my new job? Well, I do. The school in which I teach has an individualized learning emphasis, so much of my teaching is one-on-one tutoring. It's so cool to walk around the room, one moment I'm working through an algebra problem, then I'm teaching about the orbit of the earth around the sun, and then I'm explaining the Bible memory section to a student who has no background in the Word.
  • We had our first volleyball scrimmage yesterday---and we WON! All those practices paid off. : ) I was so proud of my girls, and especially proud because they worked together. Our school came out and cheered us on (the Kindergarteners SCREAMED us on). haha!
  • A situation arose at school that shook the peace, for sure. Jesus, we need your presence.
  • There are difficult days here, but I absolutely love it and know that I'm to be here right now. My heart is full with love.
  • The tsunami rattled everyone. Please pray for those in Japan and others who were hurt.
  • Late last night there was a knock at the door. Abby and I ran to answer (it was her brother) and a few minutes later walked back to a strange smell. Opened the door and FLAMES were right next to our bed! Our huge, lovely painting we splurged on together was being eaten by our candle. The picture had fallen off of its perch onto the nightstand. Sad. day. But at least nothing else was damaged. Our poor painting. Sigh. I will try to fix it.
The day in a nutshell:
math, science, screaming, a major fight, volleyball game, tsunami, Abby out during the tsunami warning, FIRE in our room, a rap about me (written by one of the students, ha), a wonderful talk with my sister Abby. It was quite the day.
A day on Guam in the life of a missionary...always interesting, for sure.
 : ) And the truth is: I love it.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dirty Smudges

Several of my students are Catholic, and thus wore their ash "crosses" on their foreheads today. And it made me think. No, I'm not Catholic, nor do I want to be, but there are admirable aspects about the way they view Easter. In forty days we will celebrate the most glorious day of Creation: the day Jesus rose again! And yes, Easter is in many ways (including its calendar date) pagan, but may we not miss the glory because we are afraid of what's been mixed with it.

He died for me. for ME. for nasty, insecure, selfish, gluttonous ME.

I love holidays. I'll probably be one of those moms who goes "all out." But my children will not know Easter simply as the day they get a basket, and they will not only learn about Easter the day of. No, I hope to start 364 days in advance, and every day thereafter, sharing with them the beauty, wonder, and heaviness of what Jesus did for them and for their mama and daddy...and for all the world.

Dear reader, you are striving for something: a healthier body, more money, better habits, rest, good grades, a happy family. During this next forty days I ask you to bow before His majesty and seek out who is Jesus and what He did.

Today was my most emotionally difficult day on Guam so far. Many tasks and projects were suddenly presented, and for a moment, I honestly thought it was impossible. I wanted to run and call someone from home. I can't do this! I'm tired!

But His love is STRONG. My efforts are nothing. So if you're giving up something for Lent, remember that fasting is not proving your love, it's proving your dependence on His.

love and peace.
p.s. a big "thank you" to my brother, Caleb, for talking me through some tears

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What a week! I...

  • ...switched jobs. I am now in the upper learning center, teaching middleschoolers and highschoolers. I love it! It's fun to help with English, Science, and (dare I say it?)...MATH, haha! The children at this school memorize a lot of scripture. It is a joy to hear them recite it and help them understand its meaning. Thankfully I am still able to interact with the Kindergarteners every day also!
  • ...decided that I do not want to own a television nor a gaming system. ever. I am tempted to climb up on my soap box right about now, but I'll spare you. 
  • ...ran a half marathon with a better time than my first!
  • ...worked through girl drama (hopefully) on the volleyball team.
  • ...enjoyed a relaxing Saturday with Abby at the mall--and I bought the most charming hat!
  • ...grew in the grace of the Lord, only by His sweetness and power.
  • ...found a twelve year old boy doodling my name. Oh lands.
  • ...felt the love of Jesus.
  • ...went to Parkour. : ) Yes, that's right.
  • ...missed talking to my parents and brothers. I love you!!!
Pictures to come soon!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

No Pictures Today

I have many fun pictures to show you, but not today. I love Guam, I love my job, and I am making good friends here, so please read what is to follow with that in mind.

Today I am frustrated with myself. No. Angry. There are things in my life that need to change, but I am too weak, or perhaps I am BEING too weak for those changes to occur. Oh, they may not seem significant to many, but my lack of self-motivation and self-control are the indicators that there is indeed a problem.

Three areas I need to change:

1. Scripture memorizing
2. Attitude towards and execution of proper eating
3. Jealousy. it's an ugly thing, folks. Read A Separate Peace by John Knowles if you don't agree

Thank the Lord for His grace and another rotation of the earth.
It's a new day tomorrow, and I will rejoice and be glad in it.

My mom used to tell me to just "get-out-of-that-rut," to "straighten up" and stop acting "squirrely." And even though I used to get upset that she wouldn't let me dramatically sulk and prance around the house like a spoiled actress in a  feather boa with bottom lip pronouncedly out, I am now so thankful that she didn't.

Just do it.

Audrey Ann, study and memorize the Word of God.
Audrey Ann, eat right, and stop thinking about it so much.
Audrey Ann, love Jesus and stop worrying that you are not as awesome as some other person.
There. I just spanked myself and am ready to move on.

The end of the beginning.