Monday, February 8, 2010

Let's help. No, really, let's help.

--We have enough time and money to buy a four dollar latte at Starbucks.
--We have enough time and money to put leftovers in the fridge.
--We have enough time and money to pay more for organic.
--We have enough time and money to enjoy a hot shower.
--We have enough time and money to surf the internet.
--We have enough time and money to sit around and watch the Superbowl.

Look at these pictures (not suitable for young eyes) now.,0,5775052.htmlstory

The Lord convicted me a few days ago about my attitude with regard to the marathon. With my hip the way it is, I may have to walk part of the distance.
 However, I was not satisfied with that. I wanted to cross that finish line triumphantly, with a respectable time and feeling good about myself.
But then I realized, if I am really doing this for the hurting in Haiti, for the gospel to be spread, then I would remember that many people there no longer have legs on which to walk, let alone run.
Thousands no longer have the breath of life. I am so blessed. This marathon training was started to raise financial and prayer support for Real Hope for Haiti. And I will finish the training in the same way.
Please pray for them.
Don't forget about the earthquake--and don't think they have received plenty of aid. Many of the major organizations are suspected to be corrupt. The missionaries of Jesus Christ need our help. We are the church. Let's live like it...and I'm certainly talking to myself as well.
Thank you for everything! Philippians 4:19

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