Friday, August 13, 2010


Sometimes as we grow older, we get this notion that we are supposed to have it all figured out. When I graduated from college, I felt pressure to have a ten year plan and all my little duckies in a row.

Here I am, a waitress. I don't even know if I have "little ducks" to have in a row. Whatever I do have seems more like chickens with their heads chopped off--flopping around in a crazed and aimless way.

But last night I prayed for help. Okay, sure, I've been praying for a long time, but I prayed, "Lord, I need help--tonight." It was a prayer of faith coupled with desperation.

The Lord answered my prayer with a conversation between my daddy and me that lasted late into the night.

In a culture that tells us to be self reliant and self indulgent and self focused and self--ISH...I was reminded to just ask. Sometimes the Lord wants us to wrestle and wait, but He will always be there.

My junior year of college I was an R.A., and we had countless "teaching games," which OF COURSE were my favorite. ; ) But anyway, one really stuck with me--they blindfolded us for nearly two hours and led us all over this camp and into a roped area where we had to figure out how to escape. Just imagine 40 college students blindfolded for two hours--nightmare of nightmares.

Yes, it was as terrible as it looks...and worse.

Taryn and AA at the beginning of the torture game

The answer of escape--and taking that blasted bandanna off of my head? (drumroll, please)

Ask the Resident Director for help.
That was all. Two hours of wandering aimlessly, bumping into people, being stepped on...

"Help. I need somebody." That was all.

Just keep knocking. The Lord is faithful.

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