Once upon a time, I was a dreamer. One of my dreams was to have a one-room schoolhouse overseas, where I could share Christ's love and truth as well as quality academics. Through a series of events, the Lord entrusted me with one in the village of Mangilao, Guam. It is additional to the larger location in Tamuning (which is a large house--I live on the second floor).
Sometimes it overwhelms me. Some days I've been so internally terrified that when I get home I can barely function. But as I've been told by those who love me enough to verbally spank me, it's time to grow up and step into the destiny the Lord has given. I've been shuffling foward with my head looking back, my heart beating for yesterday.
My students are gems--gifts from God--each one in their own way. Chills come over me, when I step back and watch them. Somehow the Lord entrusted them to me. And I love them all so much. Currently I have fourteen students ranging from seven to eighteen. What a joy it is to teach them, play with them, laugh with them, and seek to encourage them in the Lord. Oh Lord, lead me, please.
And though I'm no Cinderella, dreams do come true. Enjoy a few snapshots of my life.
One of my students was in the Asia Pacific Little League tournament! Guam beat Hong Kong, the Philippines, and the surrounding Micronesian islands.
A darling, local fruit stand
She was so sweet and let us try her delicious fruit for free!
But then I bought some, of course.
A balanced diet? Why, of course. ; )
The crazy things girls do to style their hair...
Look who we saw at the mall!
Honestly, the parfume did smell good...but I just couldn't bring myself to wear it...
It's all a gift from God. Remember?
Crazy hat day!
She wanted to wear Ms. Audrey Ann's hat.
My current home: PICA Tamuning
Japan! (on my way back)
Japanese students
Guam Liberation Day Parade! Biba Guam!
A lady I met at the parade--people just welcome you into their family--it's great
I love this family.
Messy Game Day!
Oh the fun I had filling this pool with oatmeal and leftover picnic foods! We played a relay where the students had to search for spoons in this mess with their toes! Haha!
And of course there was a food fight following...
yummiest treat...ever...got sugar?
These people are the best. I love them so much.
I made a friend on the flight back from Japan. She came and did a science experiment at my school!
He is an excellent student: diligent, determined, and I pray that the Lord uses him in a mighty way.
Lunch...nom nom
Capture the flaf was a hit! I haven't laughed so much in well...a long time. : )
They are always playing their ukes. I love the sweet and chill music on Guam.
Catching bugs (This guy here is our school mascot, haha!)
Discovery. I love it.
: )
I think we counted thirteen creatures.
Our principal (Pastor Bill) came by for a visit!
I love the different ages having fun together!
"Me, me! I want to do it next!"
Uh oh. ; )
Oh lands.
The ladies were much more calm about the whole thing.
This is the Tamuning location during staff training
The view from my balcony
The view from my yard
But my favorite view? I love to see the faces of my family on Skype.
Thank you all for your support. Please continue to pray for me. I know that the Lord is working.