boy student: "Ms. Audrey Ann, how old are you?"
me: "Now, you know that I've told you boys, it's not polite to ask a lady's age."
boy student: "Are you thirty?"
me: *big smile*
little boy attempting to recite the NT books: "...Galatians, Ephesians, the Philippines, wait, is that right?"
same little boy: "But Ms. Audrey Ann, I hate minusing!"
An ESL man at our school car wash: "You a teacher? You don't look like a teacher."
me: "Yes, I am a teacher. And yes, I know I look young."
him: "No. You don't look like normal teacher. You looker better than normal go on dates?"
me: "Well, we have church at 10am on Sunday."
from a facebook message: You're a GREAT Teacher! I just feel so comfortable with you and that does NOT always happen with me & my teachers! You kinda remind me of my sister that's why, but she's not on Guam. So being with you every day makes it seem as if she was here with me, & I thank you very much for your warm kind heart. God has REALLY blessed me with such a person as You. Looking forward to seeing your BRIGHT pretty smile.
Haha! The things they say... they love you, you know. :-)
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