bowling pins found in the trash + $5 bowling ball from the Salvation Army Store =
our very own bowling alley! :)
the day of the toad...
Well, at least he's being creative. ; )
Chapel with Pastor Bill (He's a great pastor and principal!)
Theatre Class with Miss Audrey
hilarious drills...these are moments of gold
"This is a towel, or this is a..." theatre class game
This is that dimple under the eye I was telling you about.
Honor Roll trip to Chuck E. Cheese--where we almost didn't get in, because they didn't think I was day I'll like least, that's what people tell me. ;)
Aren't they beauties? I love my girls. May they be handmaidens of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
Oh, these two are the cutest.
Submariners came to visit--I was so proud that my students used proper protocol. :)
Let's raise those funds! Car wash time.
This picture makes me laugh for many reasons. HA!
Art class with Ms. Michelle
Jesus, I pray that the Holy Spirit would reveal Himself to all these students and their families,
and they would surrender and live for You. Thanks that many do, and thanks for the immense blessing they are to me. Mostly, thanks for teaching me what it means to giving me them.