Sunday, May 1, 2011


Usually I come to my blogpost knowing, for the most part, what I want to write. I try to be fairly witty and thought-provoking. But tonight, all I can say is...Jesus.


There is nothing good in me, outside of Him. Yes, I am giving my life at this school and trying to be a vessel of His love and grace. Yes, it's SUCH an amazing adventure and way to use my life for the Kingdom. But what am I without Him? nothing. Seems like those in my generation are all about self-promotion and advertisement. We take and edit fifty-thousand  pictures of ourselves for our blogs or facebook, and yet refuse to memorize God's Word, or make that phone call to someone in need, or just sit and listen to the Savior. I'm just a clay pot, and a cracked one at that.

He's giving me such joy in the work I do! Through the stress, God gives me gifts of hilarious moments with the students, as well as glimpses that God is convicting their hearts. Yes, I have many stories to tell, but as I said before, tonight I must remind you, His name is...

and His love is extravagant.
and He is coming soon.
i should just stop typing...because He's too wonderful for words... 

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