There were also courses on modest fashion, cooking, First Aid, true beauty,public speaking, poise, etiquette, flower arranging, photography, room decorating, and more! It was so wonderful to watch these girls grow in their skills and confidence. Also, I enjoyed learning new things!

It's oatmeal. hee hee....
Most of the staff ladies at the end of the banquet. These are our "it was great, but we are so happy it's over" faces.
All of this wonderful craziness ended with a banquet to honor the parents, and a slumber party featuring dancing and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I contend that it does not get much better than this...except for the sleep I got the next afternoon. ;)
The Lord blessed me so much during this week...especially during one of my fitness sessions. We were stretching to Cory Asbury's "Where I Belong." Check it out here.
The lyrics include:
I finally found where I belong, in your presence.
I finally found where I belong: to be with You.
It was all I could do not to cry. After everything, after last year, after so much struggle and prayer...this was right, because I was in His presence. As I stood in front of twenty-five ladies, I also stood in awe of God who brought me here.
Just wait on Him. He is faithful. Do I still worry and pine over things? Why yes, I am a girl, after all. But His presence...may that be what I want, and I will embrace whatever He brings me, as I dance in His presence.
Never forget what you should desire. It's not a church service. It's not emotional music. It's not fuzzy feelings. It's not intellectual titillation. It's not entertainment. It is Him.
Praise Jesus! ~Audrey Ann
Love the update. Praying for you and looking forward to the next post.
Love ya,
your cuz
YES! We should desire Him only! I love you and miss you so much it hurts. Yet, I know that you are where He needs you to be. So very proud of you! MOM
That's awesome Audrey Ann! I'm loving reading about your adventure, I can remember all the feelings of first going to Haiti. I hope Guam becomes for you what Haiti became to me :)
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