Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Baby, it's cold outside

I hope you all had a merry Christmas! Although I went only five miles this morning, I must admit that I am growing discouraged. My body rebels when it encounters the cold, and I felt very light-headed when running today. Those supposedly nifty pants I wear cause me to feel fairly ridiculous, haha. But thanks to my wonderful family and boyfriend, I have fantastic Nike running gear. But I just felt heavy in body and light in head today. I would really appreciate your prayers. Sometimes when I am hurting I see the faces of the kids. : ) At RHFH they buried two babies on Christmas day. Their life is nothing like mine. I am lavishly blessed. However, their smiles at times indicate they have a great many things I do not and they know happiness, beauty, and grace in a way that I am still unaware. It's one thing to study His grace shown in the Bible, which is important. But it is another to experience it. Have you experienced His grace lately? Tell me about it.

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