Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I am a blindfolded kid with a stick.

 Determined, I stand swinging at the pinata above my head
that obnoxiously moves up and down, back and forth.
At least, this is how I feel.

Sometimes I just want to know where I'll be in a year or where I'll be in six months. I had plans. They were good ones, too. But somehow they were only mine and not HIS. But the Lord wants me to trust Him. Every single day is a gift with which I can please Him. I view the climax of my life (or what I'm really supposed to do) as a pinata that dangles over my head, taunting and teasing me. But perhaps it's not really that way. Perhaps I am not swinging for treasures (or candies) of this earth, but for those above.

No, I don't know where I will be in six months. None of us do. The only sure thing I hold in this life is Jesus Christ and his beautiful resurrection love for me.And that is truly more than enough. I get to meet Him, really meet Him, one day.

So, handkerchief my eyes and hand me a bat, please. Paper mache never looked so good.


Millie said...

What a good and frustrating metaphor! Just remember that Christ is not in the business of tantilizing you or dangling the desired end in front of you, but He is all about making you the Audrey Ann that is like you and like Himself. And your climax and my climax will never be in this life, but when we get to really experience joy in the New Earth. And He will never stop being faithful; I really admire your determined faith and refusal to be swayed from His truths.

Kelli Overturf said...

Audrey Ann, I just saw your blog and have enjoyed browsing your past posts. :) This one was so encouraging to me. So true that we have no idea where we'll be in the next 6 months...or less, but one thing that's always sure is the love of Jesus Christ, and His guiding hand through each day. Thanks for the reminder...much needed! ♥, Kelli