Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kindergarten Cuteness


 Teaching Kindergarten can do wonders for your self esteem.

"Ms. Audrey Ann, you are Cinderella."

"Ms. Audrey Ann, you look like the Little Mermaid." can also make you feel ancient...

"Now her's five. She's old."

The following are from two boy students who are ESL.

Upon seeing a birthday crown: "Dat's a king head!"

As I'm walking towards the door...
Child: "Where you going, Mish Aujee Ann?"
Me: "I'm going to meet with a man about the volleyball uniforms."
Child: "A MAN?! I MEESH (miss) you, Mish Aujee Ann!"

Looking at a picture he drew me:

Me: "Who's that?"
Child: "Dat's ME!"
Me: "Who's this?"
Child: "Dats da bad guy. I KEEL him!"

Wanting to know what time it is...
"Ms. Aujee Ann, what clock is it?"


Anonymous said...

Wow! I am so proud of you! These pics made me start my day with a huge smile. You will have such an impact on their lives. Wonderful photos!

Millie said...

Aaah! I love it! Let them love you, and soak it up and give it back! I can hear the smile in your words, and it makes me smile.

Rora Valley said...

Love and miss you, your in my prayers! :)
Your Shenikwah club cousin, Grace :)