Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dirty Smudges

Several of my students are Catholic, and thus wore their ash "crosses" on their foreheads today. And it made me think. No, I'm not Catholic, nor do I want to be, but there are admirable aspects about the way they view Easter. In forty days we will celebrate the most glorious day of Creation: the day Jesus rose again! And yes, Easter is in many ways (including its calendar date) pagan, but may we not miss the glory because we are afraid of what's been mixed with it.

He died for me. for ME. for nasty, insecure, selfish, gluttonous ME.

I love holidays. I'll probably be one of those moms who goes "all out." But my children will not know Easter simply as the day they get a basket, and they will not only learn about Easter the day of. No, I hope to start 364 days in advance, and every day thereafter, sharing with them the beauty, wonder, and heaviness of what Jesus did for them and for their mama and daddy...and for all the world.

Dear reader, you are striving for something: a healthier body, more money, better habits, rest, good grades, a happy family. During this next forty days I ask you to bow before His majesty and seek out who is Jesus and what He did.

Today was my most emotionally difficult day on Guam so far. Many tasks and projects were suddenly presented, and for a moment, I honestly thought it was impossible. I wanted to run and call someone from home. I can't do this! I'm tired!

But His love is STRONG. My efforts are nothing. So if you're giving up something for Lent, remember that fasting is not proving your love, it's proving your dependence on His.

love and peace.
p.s. a big "thank you" to my brother, Caleb, for talking me through some tears

1 comment:

Millie said...

Praying for you, sweeetheart. I pray you will not only know His love, but feel it in the joy and peace of your heart.

Read some Hopkins. It's my favorite Easter reading.