Tuesday, March 1, 2011

No Pictures Today

I have many fun pictures to show you, but not today. I love Guam, I love my job, and I am making good friends here, so please read what is to follow with that in mind.

Today I am frustrated with myself. No. Angry. There are things in my life that need to change, but I am too weak, or perhaps I am BEING too weak for those changes to occur. Oh, they may not seem significant to many, but my lack of self-motivation and self-control are the indicators that there is indeed a problem.

Three areas I need to change:

1. Scripture memorizing
2. Attitude towards and execution of proper eating
3. Jealousy. it's an ugly thing, folks. Read A Separate Peace by John Knowles if you don't agree

Thank the Lord for His grace and another rotation of the earth.
It's a new day tomorrow, and I will rejoice and be glad in it.

My mom used to tell me to just "get-out-of-that-rut," to "straighten up" and stop acting "squirrely." And even though I used to get upset that she wouldn't let me dramatically sulk and prance around the house like a spoiled actress in a  feather boa with bottom lip pronouncedly out, I am now so thankful that she didn't.

Just do it.

Audrey Ann, study and memorize the Word of God.
Audrey Ann, eat right, and stop thinking about it so much.
Audrey Ann, love Jesus and stop worrying that you are not as awesome as some other person.
There. I just spanked myself and am ready to move on.

The end of the beginning.


Lindsay Eryn said...

This is great. All of it.

Anonymous said...

You do it girl! :) You got it!!!!! <3 you lots!