Thursday, January 14, 2010

His Hands are Huge

Today I wondered what to write. My left hip has been giving me sharp and jabbing pain during my runs, but I thought to myself, "Why should I even mention this to anyone? Think about the excruciating pain so many are feeling in Haiti." But my hope is that with a strong body I can raise money for them, so I try to console myself that I'm not being so selfish.

Oh my. Do you ever feel like you are in a battle against yourself?

So much guessing. So much wondering. And then the Lord gently reminds me, "I am here. Come unto me." He's got the whole world in His hands, remember? Haiti. Me. You. Your crazy neighbor next door. All of us.

So, in order to spice up these posts, I have decided to add a section about the things I find on runs that go ashamedly unnoticed when you are in the car blissfully listening to Josh Groban on the way to Walmart. Here it goes:

Today's Findings:

1. Dirt slushy mountains. Like a thousand. Okay, so maybe you notice that in the car, but you don't feel it in your shoes when you are in the car.

2. A dead, mutilated little mouse, thawing in the sun. Yum.

3. Three very black dogs fighting on the road, trying to get me involved. They kept running up, bumping into me as if to say, "Hey this is fun, come on, join us!" I yelled, "No! Back! Go home!" I should've yelled, "I am not a dog, sorry to disappoint you all! Just because I have black pants on does not involve me in this."

4. Sticks I think are snakes for a second...this happens a lot. : )

Thank you all for your support. I intend to give information soon about how to technically sponsor me. May the Lord be with you! He is all we need. Pray for the people in Haiti--for healing, comfort, food, water, the saving power of Jesus Christ, and the comfort and power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. And remember that His hands hold it all. He will not forsake His children.

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