Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My hip doesn't lie...it just hurts

          I'm sorry for the absence. Here's the deal, my hip is a little messed up, and I am trying to rest and make sure it's fully healed so that it doesn't slow me down any after this. The roads I run on are higher in the middle than the side (for water drainage), and I think that really strained my left hip and leg. I have not run since Friday, which feels SO weird. But I will try to run later on this week.
         Please pray for me. But pray for the people of Haiti more. I know that they are currently the "popular" cause. But please be careful with where you send your money. Larger agencies make no promises of distributing the millions of dollars they receive directly to the Haitians. The money is merely deposited into their general fund. I am not saying they are hoarding the money, but my advice is to give to missionaries in Haiti. If you want to give to an organization, I recommend World Vision or Compassion.
         If you desire to sponsor me, please email me the amount you are pledging. When my race is completed, I will send the information on how to donate the money to Real Hope for Haiti. Yes, they need the money NOW. But my heart is to raise some funds for them later as well, after all the media excitement has died down. Let us not forget. Thank you all for your support, and I would appreciate comments so that I know you're reading. May the Lord be with you. love, Audrey Ann

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